Barak Christian Church
Blessed to be a Blessing
​There's a ministry at Barak that needs you.
We sing, we pray, have fun, we study the Bible.​ The ministries at Barak Christian Church strengthen the church family and reach out to the community according to the gifts and abilities God has given each one of us. So whether you have a beautiful soprano voice for the choir or you can roll a strike in a game of bowling, every step you take in the Lord's service is ministry. And whatever your talents or interests may be, there's a ministry at Barak that needs you.

The other side of ministry is need. Perhaps you're feeling defeated by a situation or despairing over a struggle with no end in sight. As a church family, we have endured rocky marriages, emotional trauma, financial devastation, and countless, untold troubles together. Whatever you're up against, Barak has a ministry that's ready to help you, love you, and be there for you to lean on for hope and healing.

Greeters, Ushers, Altar Workers, Baptism, Confirmation, New Members Training
Barak's membership ministry plays a key role in the mission of the church. The ministry strives to encourage the integration of new members into the church, strengthen the commitment of existing members, and facilitate a warm, welcoming environment for everyone. ​

Worship Arts
Music, Dance, Drama, 'Outpouring of Love'

Barak's Worship Arts Ministry believes that we are made for praise and worship with everything that we have to offer. It is our belief that the sole mission of Worship Arts is to lead God’s people into His presence as one body with many parts through praise and worship, which unifies the Body of Christ so the Holy Spirit will feel welcome to manifest Himself in our service. Worship Arts diligently seek to magnify the name of the Lord and minister His word through song, movement and presentation; thereby drawing all men unto Him. We seek to find God's joy through three art forms: 1) Music/Choir and Musicianship, 2) Dance, Liturgical and Mime, and 3) Drama.

Men, Women, Marriage, Singles, Children, Youth, Young Adults, Seasoned Adults
The Relationship Ministry represents Barak's largest ministry and touches every part of the church. We hope to build meaningful relationships among fellow congregants, both old and young, through education and fellowship. The goals of the ministry are to: (1) Empower and encourage one another, (2) Teach people how to commit themselves in a relationship with Jesus, (3) Engage youth in a spiritual walk with Christ, (4) Train up children in the way they should go according to God's plan, (5) Build strong marriages, and (6) Create healthy families. ​
​Intercessory, Healing & Deliverance, Prayer Services & Requests, Devotions

Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on behalf of others. Though the role of a mediator in prayer was prevalent in the Old Testament, Christ is the model intercessor. Jesus closed the gap between man and God when He died on the cross. Because Jesus interceded we can now intercede in prayer on behalf of other Christians asking God to grant their requests according to His will.​ Barak Christian Church believes the Bible is clear that all Christians are called to be intercessors. All Christians have the Holy Spirit in their hearts and, just as Jesus intercedes for us in accordance with God’s will, we are to intercede for one another. This is not a privilege limited to an exclusive Christian elite, but a command to all. According to 1 Samuel 12:23 it is a sin not to intercede for others.

Activities, Church Picnic
The purpose of the Barak Activities Ministry (B.A.M.) is to offer opportunities for believers to develop relationships with other believers and to introduce non-believers to the Love of Christ in a safe, fun, non-threatening environment. B.A.M. is an important part of the fellowship and ministry at Barak. Potlucks, game nights, recreational activities, and weekend getaways help strengthen our relationships with one another in a loving Christian environment.
​Witnessing, Canvassing, Tracks, In-reach

Barak has developed evangelism training using the following formula across all generations: V.O.I.C.E. (Victory Over Impossible Circumstances Effectively). The mission of V.O.I.C.E. is to advance the kingdom of God by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world and by encouraging, edifying and equipping the Body of Christ. V.O.I.C.E.. seeks to fulfill its mission through: (1) Reading and studying the Bible daily - 2 Timothy 2:15, (2) Learning scriptures (the Word) - Hebrews 4:12, (3) Fasting - Isaiah 58:1-14, and (4) Praying for the need of the people who are witness to evangelizing - Mark 16:15. Using this formula it is much easier for someone to share the Good News simply and confidently. Ultimately, we're helping people to lead their acquaintances to a relationship with Jesus. We share the good news of God's sovereign love. 
Social Networking, Website, Marketing, Photography, Video, Print

Barak's Multimedia Ministry exists to enable the Gospel to be proclaimed as clearly and spread as widely as possible. We use technology to support ministry efforts throughout the church so that God's people can be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Because God desires that all come to a saving knowledge of Him, we believe that the Church should effectively engage people using the gifts that God has given us and technological advancements that are relevant to our society.​
​Food Pantry, Narcotics Anonymous, Bridging the Gap, Mission, Re-entry
The purpose of the Outreach Ministry is to live out the Gospel message of our Savior by seeing souls saved, healed, delivered and set free through God’s redeeming love. Our programs promote physical, socioemotional, and spiritual growth: (1) Food Pantry - We help to eliminate hunger by providing food to families in the surrounding area. (2) Re-entry and Recovery Groups - We nurture those in drug recovery or re-entry to stay in recovery and out of prison so they can live productive lives enriched by Christ.​ (3) Mentoring - We connect mentors to those in need of encouragement and a positive influence. (4) Counseling - We provide individual, family, marital and group counseling.

Never think that the nursery ministry is babysitting. It is actually a great opportunity to minister and teach the youngest members of our church. The goal of Barak's nursery ministry is to provide a nurturing, safe, and comfortable learning environment for children ages 5 and younger. God is in the church nursery. The Bible has specific promises about God's presence when children are welcomed and loved in Jesus' name. "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me" - Mark 9:36-37. When you welcome a child in the name of Jesus, you welcome Jesus himself. When we minister to children - God is with us.
Tithes, Offering, Building Fund, Endowments, Purchases
The Financial Literacy program was developed by A New Cornerstone Inc. to teach individuals, families, and students how to take control of their financial lives, leading them to financial security and self-sufficiency. This program has the following benefits: (1) People are empowered to take responsibility for themselves and their financial future, (2) People learn to live on a budget that actually works, (3) Increases self-confidence and gives hope, and (4) Increases control over income and expenses.​ Workshops are held at least four times a year. ​
Culinary Arts
Special Events, Meals, Funerals, Catering
The mission of the Culinary Arts Ministry is to prepare nutritious and cost-effective meals to serve the Body of Christ. The ministry consists of faithful volunteers and is called into action for church-sanctioned meals, including special events, funerals, and bible studies.
Renovations, Maintenance, Equipment/Tools, Grounds Upkeep

The purpose of the Building Ministry is to work on issues related to the maintenance and upkeep of the church - the physical structure - by recognizing and making necessary repairs. ​