Barak Christian Church
Blessed to be a Blessing
Digging deeper into God's Word
If you desire to learn more about God, His Word, develop a closer relationship with Him and grow your faith, you've come to the right place. There's something for everyone. Whether you're seeking the Lord as a seasoned Christian or a just a babe in Christ, you are welcome.

Ministry Training: Barak LMD School of Learning
Click here to download an application.
Barak LMD School of Learning was founded by The Reverend Dr. Lynn R. Mims, Senior Pastor of Barak Christian Church. Dr. Mims received his Doctorate of Ministry and Master of Divinity Degrees from Southern Methodist University at Perkins School of Theology in Dallas, Texas. After receiving his degrees, Dr. Mims began teaching at Perkins for seven years as a full-time professor. Moreover, Dr. Mims has pastored local churches in Dallas, Oklahoma and St. Louis and has been successful in starting new churches. ​Dr. Mims has taught and trained clergy and laity in the studies of theology for over 25 years. Due to the growing number of clergy who have experienced a call to ministry under his leadership, Dr. Mims was lead by God to begin a school of learning to teach, ordain and prepare persons for seminary. Although Barak LMD School of Learning is not accredited, many pastors, clergy and laity have benefited from the teaching and are prepared to enter into fulltime ministry with a constructed theological education in biblical studies. Upon completion of the four years’ courses, persons will be ordained as deaconates, and the set apart ministries.
Application Deadlines

Fall Semester: September through December - August 1st application deadline
Spring Semester: January through May – December 1st application deadline
Application Guidelines
All applications are reviewed by Barak LMD School of Learning instructors to determine an applicant’s admission status. If admitted, you will be notified in writing regarding acceptance, tuition, and class syllabus.
Barak LMD School of Learning welcomes applications from qualified applicants who meet the criteria for admission: You must submit with this application form a $20 nonrefundable application fee. A late fee of $15 is added for applications received after the deadlines indicated above. You must submit the following to the address or e-mail listed below:​

- Application. You must submit a completed application. If you need clarification, please use the contact information below.
- Application essay. You must write a 2-page essay, typed, double-spaced. The essay will be reviewed based on grammar, punctuation, organization of thought, and content.
- Letters of recommendation. You must submit 2 letters of recommendation: your pastor and a lay person in your church or your pastor’s church. These persons should mail the completed forms directly to the address or e-mail below by the deadline on the recommendation form.
Barak LMD School of Learning
7370 N. Hanley Rd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042
314.521.2243 Office
314.522.4911 Fax
Email: barakchurch@att.net

Bible Study
Bible study is a priority at Barak. It is a time to build lasting, God-centered relationships as you fellowship and study God's Word. It is a time to grow in your faith, serve God, and reach out to those around you.
Come join us and let's grow together!
We offer bible study classes Sunday mornings at 10am, and Wednesdays at 10am and 7pm.
